Advantages Automatic Pipe Threading Machines Carry Over Manual Ratcheting Threaders and Hand-Held Power Drives

When it comes to making string outlines to connect pipes with main components, manual ratcheting threaders and hand-held power drives are indeed cost-effective options, however, they are not as effective as automatic pipe threading machines. Automatic pipe threading machines carry several advantages over their manual counterparts, which make them an ideal choice for high volume…

The Problem: Leaking solder joint on a copper tube

How can you fix a leaking solder joint on copper tube without a shutdown or draining the system? For the DIY’er, how can you avoid having to buy all that equipment for one job? You can install the Revolutionary Insta-Clamp S/S Solder Joint Leak Repair Clamp, available in 1/2” – 6.0” CTS OD. For commercial…