Hours: 7 AM to 4:00 PM Mon-Fri PST
We will be closed on Monday, February 17th in honor of Presidents Day
Recommended For: Use with pipe-freezing equipment to protect Ice-Plugs and Jackets when welding or soldering
Recommended For: To replace 8"-10" Adjustable Wrenches So You Save Time and Effort
Recommended For: Joining all types of gasketed pipe: plastic, cast iron, clay, and concrete
Recommended For: Removing mud and scale from pipe surfaces
Recommended For: Tightening of your repair clamp and service saddle nuts
Recommended For: Tightening Hex Nuts
Recommended For: Tightening Hex Nuts
Recommended For: Installation and adjusting of bolted fittings
Rechargeable handheld flashlight and work light with 3 light modes
Recommended For: Use on a fitting when bolts is recessed